What is the exhaust pressure of a vacuum pump?

Vacuum pump in the work, the air will continue to discharge the pump body, in order to form a working requirements of the vacuum, that is to say, exhaust pressure is also affecting the water ring vacuum pump operating efficiency of another major factor.
Exhaust pressure will have a great influence on the suction capacity of vacuum pump and the power consumption of shaft operation. When the vacuum pump system is in operation, if the exhaust pressure is larger, the suction capacity of the vacuum pump will be smaller, and the power consumption of the corresponding shaft operation will be larger. On the contrary, when the exhaust pressure of the system is smaller, the suction capacity of the vacuum pump will be larger, and the power consumption of the corresponding shaft operation will be smaller.
Should, therefore, in the process of actual operation maintenance, real-time observation of vacuum pump exhaust pressure data in the system, when the abnormal exhaust pressure data, should take corresponding measures to upgrade the whole vacuum system, the vacuum system exhaust pressure maintain for a long time in the national standard or manufacturer within the recommended range value, guarantee the vacuum pump is always under the optimal conditions, improve the overall water ring vacuum pump operation mechanical efficiency.

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