Oil free vacuum pump working pressure requirements and configuration

The oil-free vacuum pump under its working pressure should be able to discharge all the gas produced in the process of vacuum equipment.
Requirements for oil contamination of vacuum equipment. If the equipment strictly requires no oil, should choose a variety of no oil pump, such as: water ring pump, molecular sieve adsorption pump, sputtering ion pump, cryogenic pump. If the requirements are not strict, can choose a pump, plus some anti-oil pollution measures, such as cold trap, baffle, oil trap, can also meet the requirements of clean vacuum.
The working pressure of the oil-free vacuum pump should meet the requirements of the ultimate vacuum and working pressure of the vacuum equipment. For example, a vacuum drying process requires a working vacuum of 10mmHg, and the selected vacuum pump should have a limit vacuum of at least 2mmHg, preferably up to 1mmHg. Usually choose the limit vacuum of the pump is higher than vacuum equipment operating vacuum degree half to an order of magnitude.
The function of oil-free vacuum pump is to remove gas molecules from the vacuum chamber, reduce the gas pressure in the vacuum chamber, and make it reach the required vacuum degree. Generally speaking, there is a large range from the atmosphere to the extremely high vacuum. So far, no vacuum system can cover this range. Therefore, different vacuum system configurations should be selected to meet the requirements of different product process indexes, working efficiency and service life of equipment, as well as different vacuum sections. For optimal configuration, the following points should be considered when selecting a vacuum system:
1. Each type of pump has a certain working pressure range. Therefore, the working point of the pump should be selected within this range, and should not be allowed to work long hours under working pressure.
2. Under the working pressure, the vacuum pump should be able to discharge all the gas generated in the process of vacuum equipment.
3. The limit pressure of vacuum pump should meet the working pressure of the process. Usually the limit pressure of the selected pump is about an order of magnitude below the process requirements.

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