Energy Saving Effect of High Power Water Ring Vacuum Pump

The process of gas compression in water ring vacuum pump is similar to that of isothermal. It can extract flammable and explosive gas and water ring vacuum pump. At the same time, it can extract dusty gas, condensable gas and gas-water mixture because there is no exhaust valve and friction surface. The process of gas compression in water ring vacuum pump is similar to that of isothermal process. So the compression of water ring vacuum pump is generally calculated according to the formula of isothermal compression. Power. The working liquid of the water ring vacuum pump is generally the temperature of water which has a significant impact on the power consumption of the pump. The limit vacuum of water ring vacuum pump depends on the compression capacity of the pump itself and the saturated vapor pressure corresponding to the working water. The higher the temperature of water, the greater the saturated vapor pressure and the lower the ultimate vacuum. Excessive water temperature will also reduce the efficiency of pump suction. The efficiency of water-ring vacuum pump is lower than that of other seasons in summer. The reason is that the higher temperature of working fluid results in the lower vacuum degree and the lower suction capacity of water-ring vacuum pump.
So it is more necessary to cool the working fluid in summer to ensure the high efficiency of the water ring vacuum pump. The solubility of all kinds of ions in water will decrease and finally appear in impeller, disc, pump chamber and other parts in the form of scale. The formation of scale greatly affects the normal operation of the pump, resulting in disc and impeller clearance reduction, excessive start-up power, abnormal noise and other problems in operation. If the pump operates for a long time, its suction capacity will reduce the vacuum, energy consumption will decrease, and efficiency will also be greatly reduced. In order to ensure the normal operation of the water ring vacuum pump, it is necessary to clean up the scales in time so as to avoid increasing power consumption and wasting energy. If the compressed gas is completed as the starting point, the original working water in the pump has been working for a period of time before the suction chamber or the impeller section is supplemented with water. At the same time, there will be a part of energy loss. When the supplementary water enters, these water will impact the water ring in the pump, which will increase the energy loss of the water ring and reduce the efficiency of the pump.
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