Water Supply Regulation of 2BV Water Ring Vacuum Pump

2BV water ring vacuum pump is a kind of coarse vacuum pump. It can obtain a large limit vacuum, and can also be used as a compressor. It has the function of extracting vacuum. Its use can be reflected by the water supply. So how to adjust its water supply?
1. Because the water supply of vacuum pump has a certain range, in order to obtain the best water supply, water saving can be adjusted according to the program.
2. When the 2BV water ring vacuum pump is running normally, open the water supply valve properly, and then observe the pressure of the vacuum gauge at the entrance.
3. Slowly close the water supply valve to open. When the vacuum meter pointer starts to fluctuate or fall, the water supply is not enough. Re-open the water supply valve slowly. When the vacuum meter pointer stabilizes again, the water supply is the best.
Note: When the water supply is insufficient, the pumping capacity of the vacuum pump decreases, and causes unstable work. When the water supply is excessive, it wastes water resources, and increases the shaft power of the pump, even burns down the motor. This requires that when using 2BV water ring vacuum pump, it is necessary to check whether the vacuum gauge is working properly. In case of unnecessary loss.
In summary, the water supply of 2BV water ring vacuum pump can be adjusted by regulating water supply valve. The water supply can be adjusted to a certain extent according to the use of the equipment. In addition, the equipment should be checked regularly to prevent leakage.

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