Vacuum brazing furnace heat resistant material? Do you understand?

Vacuum brazing furnace heat-resistant materials are mainly used for heating components of vacuum brazing furnaces. What are the heat-resistant materials of vacuum brazing furnaces?
1. Thermosetting resin

Thermosetting resins are phenolic resins, polyimides, epoxies, silicone resins, etc., and these materials are not thermoplastic, so they can be used at high temperatures for a long period of time. Such materials are the best in the heat-resistant materials of vacuum brazing furnaces. In general, epoxy resins can be used at temperatures above 200 degrees Celsius, while other materials can be used at temperatures above 300 degrees Celsius for long periods of time, especially aldehyde phenol resins, which are a high temperature resistant and ablation resistant material in the space shuttle. More used on it.

2. Special engineering plastics

This material has a high melting point, a high thermal decomposition temperature, and the strength and rigidity of these materials are also high. However, because these materials are all thermoplastic, the temperature used should not exceed their melting point, so if used for a long time, the temperature should not exceed 300 degrees Celsius.

3. Other materials

The United States has developed a resin called polyarylacetylene which can be used for a long period of time between -100 and 500 degrees Celsius and has no significant change in its properties. Its glass transition temperature is 316.3 degrees Celsius, the initial thermal decomposition temperature is 503 degrees Celsius, the maximum thermal decomposition temperature is 663 degrees Celsius, and the residual carbon rate is 84 percent at 900 degrees Celsius. It is a good high temperature resistant material. .

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